
Bible Notes

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1 Therefore, Bezalel, and Oholiab, and every wise man, to whom the Lord gave wisdom and intelligence, so as to know how to work skillfully, made that which was necessary for the uses of the Sanctuary and which the Lord had instructed

2 And when Moses had called them and every man of learning, to whom the Lord had given wisdom, and who, of their own accord, had offered themselves in order to accomplish this work

3 he handed over to them all the donations of the sons of Israel. And while they were pursuing this work, the people offered what they had vowed each day, in the morning

4 The artisans were compelled by this to g

5 to Moses and to say, “The people offer more than is needed.

6 Therefore, Moses ordered this to be recited, with a voice of proclamation: “Let neither man nor woman offer anything further for the work of the Sanctuary.” And so they ceased from offering gifts

7 because what was offered was sufficient and was more than an abundance

8 And all those who were wise of heart, in order to accomplish the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and hyacinth, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, with diverse workmanship by the art of embroidery

9 Each of these was twenty-eight cubits in length, and in width, four. All the curtains were of one measure

10 And he joined five curtains to one another, and the other five he coupled to one another

11 He also made loops of hyacinth along the edge of one curtain on both sides, and similarly along the edge of the other curtain

12 so that the loops might meet against one another and might be joined together

13 For these, he also cast fifty gold rings, which would retain the loops of the curtains and so make the tabernacle one

14 He also made eleven canopies from the hair of goats, in order to cover the roof of the tabernacle

15 one canopy held in length thirty cubits, and in width four cubits. All the canopies were of one measure

16 Five of these he joined by themselves, and the other six separately

17 And he made fifty loops along the edge of one canopy, and fifty along the edge of the other canopy, so that they might be joined to one another

18 and fifty buckles of brass, with which the roof might be woven together, so that from all the canopies there would be made one covering

19 He also made a covering for the tabernacle from the skins of rams, dyed-red; and another cover above it, from violet skins

20 He also made the standing panels of the tabernacle, from setim wood

21 Ten cubits was the length of one panel, and one and one half cubits comprised the width

22 There were two dovetails along every panel, so that one might be joined to the other. Thus did he make all the panels of the tabernacle

23 Of these, twenty were toward the meridian area, opposite the south

24 with forty bases of silver. Two bases were set under one panel at each of two sides at the corners, where the joints of the sides terminate in corners

25 Likewise, at that side of the tabernacle which looks toward the north, he made twenty panels

26 with forty bases of silver, two bases for each board

27 Yet truly, opposite the west, that is, toward that part of the tabernacle which looks out toward the sea, he made six panels

28 and two others at each corner of the tabernacle at the back

29 which were joined from bottom to top and held together by one joint. So did he make both corners on that side

30 So then, there were altogether eight panels, and they had sixteen bases of silver, with, of course, two bases under each panel

31 He also made bars from setim wood: five to hold together the panels at one side of the tabernacle

32 and five others to fit together the panels of the other side, and, in addition to these, five other bars toward the western area of the tabernacle, opposite the sea

33 He also made another bar, which came through the middle of the panels from corner to corner

34 But the panels themselves he overlaid with gold, casting silver bases for them. And he made their rings from gold, through which the bars might be able to be drawn. And he covered the bars themselves with layers of gold

35 He also made a veil from hyacinth, and purple, from vermillion as well as fine twisted linen, with varied and distinctive embroidery

36 and four columns of setim wood, which, along with their heads, he overlaid with gold, casting silver bases for them

37 He also made a tent at the entrance of the tabernacle from hyacinth, purple, vermillion, and fine twisted linen, wrought with embroidery

38 and five columns with their heads, which he covered with gold, and he cast their bases from brass

Catholic Public Domain Version